Visual, Consumable and Actionable 

Calvin Wilson from Andersen Corporation shared in a recent class that his boss always says visual aids should be visual, consumable, and actionable. You probably know what we mean by visual (although not all slides are visually appealing) but what did he mean by consumable and actionable? Read more...

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Visualizing Data for Impact

Many of us report to our leaders in the form of data, lots of data. When they create visuals to convey this information, it is usually black and white and mostly in tiny font sizes. A few simple adjustments could make these slides work so much better. See if you could employ these simple improvements on your data slides. 

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Seven Strategies for Taming an Unruly Crowd

What happened the last time you gave a presentation or delivered a training session? Did people come in late or leave early? Tune out or fall asleep? Engage in side conversations or work on their laptops or phones? All these behaviors are annoying and unproductive, both to you and to everyone else in the meeting or presentation. How can you reduce the bad behaviors without being the "bad guy" in the room? 

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Ten Ways to Ace Your Next Q&A

You have completed the difficult work of creating your presentation—and it is awesome! You have rehearsed thoroughly so that the entire presentation flows well from point to point, your slides are clear and appealing, and you have created an engaging beginning and a powerful ending. All well done. Then, the questions begin. The first one takes you by surprise. The second one is challenging. And the third one…well…it stumps you. Your fabulous presentation begins to feel rocky.

Don’t let this happen to you. With proper planning and a little practice, you can rock the Q&A as much as you do the rest of your presentation.

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