Reset Between Meetings for Better Communication

Better communication means being in the present moment as much as humanly possible. These days, that is not easy. 

When we are not present, we feel stressed and unfocused, and that shows in long, erratic pauses, increased filler words, and the inability to find the right words. 

So we want to be focused as much as we can before and between meetings. Changing your physical state can go a long way toward changing your focus. How?

  1. Stand up and stretch. Get out of your chair, life your arms. Stretch your back. Maybe touch your toes. if you have a minute, walk around your apartment, or up and down the stairs. Ahhhh, feels good. 

  2. Look away from the screen. Out the window, across the room, or just close your eyes for a moment. Ever feel it difficult to break away from the screen? Your eyes (and your brain) need a break. 

  3. Breathe. We say it a lot around here, but your breath supports your voice as well as clear thinking. Use a deep cleansing breath to signal your mind and body that you are transitioning. If you have a moment, let the last meeting go with the exhale, and open yourself to the next on the inhale. 

In a previous post, I wrote more on transitioning between meetings. If this is increasingly difficult for you, it might be helpful to reread about speaking with calm in stressful times. Click to read more about focus and keeping calm during difficult times.

We are here to help. Shoot me an email for a virtual setup consultation. We’ll look at tips and techniques to make you look and sound more professional, confident, and credible on your next virtual meeting. And if you have critical communication concerns, let’s talk about a mini consultation or individual coaching. Virtually, of course.