Ace your Next Team Presentation—Tips for Success

“We nailed our team presentation. Got compliments immediately on the call from the CEO and others as well as email compliments. They loved the back and forth interaction/presentation style. Thanks for teaching us what you know!”

These are the kinds of feedback emails we love to receive! After just three coaching sessions, these two clients had created and rehearsed a key presentation. It went over well, and they now have tools and insights they can use over and over for their future presentations. Win-win!

If you deliver team presentations, you can learn how to make them more appealing as well. Here are a few quick tips.

  • Create your Targeted Message together. When everyone understands and agrees on the message, then the whole presentation supports the message.

  • Divide and conquer the content. This makes it easier to develop, as those who know certain content will be the ones to develop and deliver it.

  • Rehearse together. Decide who will open the presentation, who will close it, and how you will smoothly move from speaker to speaker. If practical, allow a little interchange between team members so it feels like a team presentation rather than a series of individual presentations.

  • Rehearse together multiple times. Don’t just discuss the content but practice it. Video record it to check time, transitions, and delivery.

Take a bow, your team presentation was a hit!